Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's A Female's World!

Education is a female's world, even at the high school level, as the vast majority of teachers and staff and even a good portion of administrators are women, and this will increase exponentially over the coming years,  as more females are in college and going on to leadership positions. This can make for some truly wonderful daily moments, as my experience has been that women love to eat well, care about their appearance,  the daily niceties more, and while it may seem sexist, from a male perspective, they often  look more professional in an attractive, personable way to me. I have often been the only man in the room for meetings, for trainings, and I have rarely been embarrassed by their candor or the topic of conversations, (blushing on a few occasions but trying not to show it). and while it has been a gradual and steady adjustment over the years, I have reached a great comfort zone with the agendas and handouts with a steady balance of personal asides ("What shirt are we wearing tomorrrow?"), and there is a postive vibe more often than not. I will say that women in general have an endurance to do the job more than men, in my experience, although that passion can get wearyng, also. But, my mentors in recent years have been women, and I have never gone without insight when I have asked for it or help when it is needed. I will say that this has placed a firm femiinist streak in me, and I will be very accepting of a future political shift.

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